martes, 5 de abril de 2011

San Geezy

 My stomping grounds
San German is a small town that in a way has been left behind on the tourist map and by the rest of PR. All over you see abandoned buildings and feel nostalgia in the air, but fortunately the people are very friendly and lively. Most of the 5000 students at the interamerican university go home or to other places over the weekend like Mayaguez, but we have lots of fun here in quaint German. Martin’s is the pizza place that serves mean calzones, the cheapest stella artois, and peso gasolina, el trago listo. La casa del sandwich makes good sub sandwiches for cheap, and it’s owner, Orlando, gets great happiness from seeing us gastronomically satisfied. Los tigres is the local hangout where we play dominoes and pool almost every night. There is a nice tapas restaurant, a new bar with a very nice patio, another bar that brews its own beer, and a burger king that stays open until 2am every night. San German has two nice plazas with one of the oldest churches in the new world and a cathedral that spikes up into the mountain sky. We are close to the mountains of maricao and 30 minutes from the beach, and I cannot complain. The only thing I’m worried about is my money running out from having too much fun, and the dorms. They look like prison cells with bars everywhere and a plethora of fire hazards, but our rooms are a juxtaposition against somewhere you think you’re not allowed to leave sometimes. Also, it is not a coed dorm and curfew is at 2am. Despite these restrictions that make me feel like a 12 year old again, I am still having a blast and enjoying every minute of the Caribbean 

Boqueron local beach

mi crib

view from the dorms

San German Plaza

San German town

Boqueron durang the day
view from the cuesta of Sangi

Plaza Porta Coeli

 For one of my classes we have to study a business and its strategic management, working with the owner and applying the concepts we have learned in class to the business. I really like this idea and have permission from the owner to do los tigres bar, so naturally I am really excited.  My other classes include a Puerto Rican literature class whose professor is really funny and dramatic, an entrepreneur fundamentals class where the professor didn’t show up, and I’m still waiting on my last class tonight at 730 that’s called development of a business plan.

Interamerican University of Puerto Rico San German

Up to now we have been taking publicos(old school vans that provide a poor definition of public transportation) for day trips and the cost is adding up, although they are reasonably priced. We befriended kiki, the publico guagua driver but were thinking about buying our own van or scooters to explore the island with. I’ve already mapped all the secret beaches I want to see with google earth, the only problem is transportation. The other option is become friends with people that own cars, and that might be the most economical option thus far.

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